Friday, October 30, 2009

I'm Your Biggest Fan: Why I Finally Launched a Facebook Fan Page

The phone rings. You answer and the person on the line greets you like this: "I'm your biggest fan. I've been following you for a long time and I really love what you do. I'm ready to work with you now."

That feels so good, doesn't it?

"Yeah, but can little old me get fans?" you wonder. "After all, I'm not Oprah or anything."

Well, I'm saying you don't have to be Oprah to attract a lot of fans. You can create a Facebook Fan Page.

In the past two weeks I've attracted over 250 fans to my new Facebook Fan Page just by posting it to my Wall a few times and sending one invite out to my friends.

"Facebook Fan Page? I thought those were for ego maniacs and really famous people!" That's what I said about 3 weeks ago. But then all the big Facebook gurus started sending out articles on the importance of using Fan Pages and why every business needs at least one.

The main points that drove me to finally publish a Fan Page were:

1) Sending too many business-oriented posts on your Personal Wall is like spamming your best friends (gulp!)

2) You can post three to five times daily on a Fan Page to people who want to see your stuff.

3) You can create a Fan Page for a result rather than just a person, and that way avoid being seen as an ego-maniac (even if you are one ; )

4) Facebook has updaded Fan Pages to be as fun and interactive as a Personal Wall. By the way, Groups have also been updated and inspire a lot more interactivity than they did just last week. Come play!

5) Fan Pages rank well on Google and can attract people from outside of Facebook (Are there actually people outside of Facebook which boasts 300 million members and counting!)

6) Having fans feels really good. And after all, feeling good is the most important thing!

To create your Facebook Fan Page, visit mine at , and after you agree to be my fan ; ) you can click on the link "Create a Page for My Business" at the bottom of the left column of that page, right above the "Share" button. Just follow the easy wizard to create your page! It's fun, simple, and a great way to connect with your true fans!

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Magical Marketer Julia D. Stege, MFA helps people attract their perfect customers with a unique combination of Law of Attraction, Wildly Attractive WebsitesTM, Branding from the HeartTM, and smart Social Networking strategies. If you're ready to start attracting your perfect customers now, get Julia's free Magical Marketing Toolkit at

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